Thursday, January 14, 2010

E-Cigarette E9 Express Disposable Kit Only $19.95

E-Cigarette Express Disposable KitThis product has been developed for the disposable application. With the long battery life of about 450 puffs, so that you can use it without the charger. It is easy to use and more affordable. It is the best and cheapest E-Cig of the world! The battery can be also charged by the Power Charger or USB Charger if you want to save the battery.


  • Diameter: 9 mm
  • Length: 67 mm (w/o cartridge)
  • 98 mm (w/ cartridge)
  • Weight: 4.7 g (w/o battery)
  • 14 g (w/ battery)
  • Package dimension: 13 x 5 x 1 cm
  • Package weight: 27g
You can select the different length of the battery. With the standard length of the battery you can have the E-Cig with the exact size of the normal cigarette.

The Cartridge contains about 1.4ml E-Smoking Liquid and has different density of nicotine:
  • Extra high density of nicotine: 24 mg nicotine
  • High density of nicotine: 16 mg nicotine
  • Medium density of nicotine: 11 mg nicotine
  • Low density of nicotine: 6 mg nicotine
  • Non density of nicotine: 0 mg nicotine
You can specify the different density of nicotine, the different tastes and the different colors for your ordering cartridges.

One Cartridge is equivalent to about 16 cigarettes normally. With this 2-pieces model, you can not add the E-Liquid yourself into the cartridge. When the E-liquid inside the cartridge is finished, you need to change the cartridge. With such disposable cartridge with atomizer, there is no atomizer problem for you any more.

You can select also the different colors of the tip light. We are the original designer and manufacturer for the E-Cig with these different colors of the tip lights.

Here are totally thousands of different combinations for your choices. We have the most comprehensive selections for you so that you can easily DIY your own special E-Cig.

Buy a charger here

Buy More Cartridges Here
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1 comment:

  1. This is probably the best kit ever to get someone started on electric cigarettes and get them off of tobacco cigarettes. The battery is super long lasting compared to any other battery on the market today. If you like the esmoking experience then you can buy a charger and more flavor cartridges.
    I would actually reccommend buying the charger and nicotine cartridges at the same time to save a little bit on the shipping from china. This company ships really fast. I received mine in just 5 days.
